Dental lenses in Turkey

Dental Lenses in Turkey

Dental lenses in Turkey, Istanbul, are the best solution for achieving the ideal appearance of teeth. We all recognize the importance of teeth’s aesthetic appearance, as it is the primary factor in human attractiveness and greatly reflects one’s smile. Dental veneers can be one of the most practical solutions for obtaining an unmatched, attractive smile.

What are dental lenses?

They are thin shells made from specific materials, used to enhance the beauty of teeth and address aesthetic issues. They can also be used to protect the teeth.

Anesthesia Local 
Session Duration2 Hours 
Session Number2 – 3 Sessions
Results Immediate – Last for 10 Years
Stay In Turkey5 – 7 Days
Turk Aesthetic Cost190 Euro per tooth
Quick Information | Dental lenses in Turkey

Dental lenses in Turkey video

Dental lenses in Turkey Istanbul

Who can get teeth lenses in Turkey

Dental lenses in Turkey are considered the ideal solution for concealing all dental imperfections, including:

  • Enamel erosion: Caused by consuming large amounts of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, smoking, or taking certain medications. These factors lead to enamel erosion, resulting in dull-colored teeth. In such cases, they are the perfect solution to overcome enamel erosion and restore the shine of your teeth.
  • Yellow teeth: Especially when whitening through other methods is not possible.
  • Treating gaps, cracks, and fractures between teeth.
  • Hiding damaged teeth appearance using lenses.
  • Correcting misaligned teeth: Instead of braces, you should only cover this problem with lenses.
  • In addition to their aesthetic appeal, dental lenses are also used to preserve and protect teeth from damage.

Types of dental lenses in Turkey

Dental lenses in Turkey are made from different materials, the most famous of which is Emax.

Sometimes, dental lenses may require slight tooth filing so the dentist can install the lenses. But!

Some types of lenses do not need teeth filing at all.

The names of dental lenses vary depending on size and type. Veneers and Lumineer lenses are among the most popular types of lenses in Turkey.

Veneers lenses

Veneer lenses are made of porcelain, which is durable and, therefore, lasts for long periods. Porcelain or ceramic material also adds an aesthetic appearance that looks exactly like the shape of natural teeth. This is because it can collect light like the enamel layer found in natural teeth. This type is characterized by simplicity in installation and does not require the removal of the entire tooth structure!

Lumineer lenses

  • Lumineer is a brand of dental porcelain.
  • Lumineer lenses are thinner than regular porcelain lenses and are, therefore, easier to install and use.
  • They are usually installed without filing or injections and are considered the least painful dental lenses.
  • In some cases, the dentist may install Lumineer lenses without completely removing a layer of the tooth.
  • If the patient followed the aftercare instructions, Lumineers have more than 20 years of life.
  • Lumineers do not cause any tooth sensitivity.

Composite lenses

Composite lenses are known as economic lenses, characterized by their low price, which suits everyone. However, they give excellent results in shape and help obtain a perfect smile. However, temporary dental lenses in Turkey are made of materials less complex than porcelain; therefore, they only last for a short period, like other types. Occasionally, composite dental lenses may be installed without removing a layer from the tooth.

Zirconium lenses

Zirconium is a type of dental crown that is more durable than ordinary porcelain, increasing the strength of the skeletal tooth structure. Zircon lenses are suitable for those who suffer from severe cavities in the teeth or those with damaged teeth because zirconium protects the teeth from erosion. Zirconium is also used (due to its strength) in the manufacture of dental crowns and other products.

Teeth lenses steps in Turkey Istanbul

Teeth lenses steps

Total Time: 5 days

Before the procedure

After thoroughly examining the patient’s dental condition during the first session, the specialized dentist proposes the best solutions available to correct his dental problems. The discussion continues until they find an appropriate solution together. In most cases, doctors prefer first solutions that do not require surgical intervention and where the tooth structure is not removed.

During the procedure

Once dental veneers are chosen, the next step is to select the most suitable ones to enhance your smile’s aesthetic appeal. Designing your smile is done gradually, beginning with selecting suitable lens sizes, lengths, widths, and tooth colors.

After the procedure

You must tell the doctor all the details you want. At Turk Aesthetic Istanbul, we will create an exact copy of your chosen smile!

Estimated Cost: 190 EUR

Before and After photos of dental lenses in Turkey

Below are some pictures before and after dental lens installation, completed at Turk Aesthetic in Istanbul, Turkey.

Teeth lenses cost in Turkey Istanbul

Installing good dental lenses requires centers with modern equipment and capabilities. Therefore, it is always recommended to choose a center or hospital with the best experience, safety, and sterilization. The price of installing dental lenses in Istanbul ranges around 190 euros and varies according to the type of lenses used.

FAQ – Dental lenses in Turkey

What is the difference between Lumineer and Veneer lenses?

Although both Lumineers and Veneers are made of porcelain, Lumineer lenses are thinner and require less tooth filing than veneers.

How much do dental lenses cost in Turkey?

The cost of lenses varies according to the types of lenses used, which is agreed upon during the first session.
The cost of lenses at Turk Aesthetic in Turkey is an average of 180 euros.

How long do dental lenses last?

Dental lenses have a high shelf life due to the hardness of the porcelain material used in most types of lenses.
At a minimum, dental lenses remain in good condition for at least ten years.
It also lasts over 20 years while maintaining dental hygiene and adhering to the doctor’s instructions.

Are teeth filed during the installation of dental lenses?

Yes, teeth are filed in some cases, but! Filing the teeth is very simple, so the doctor can comfortably install the lenses.

For more information about dental lenses in Turkey, contact Turk Aesthetic through the Contact Us page.
