Laser Teeth Whitening in Turkey

Laser Teeth Whitening in Turkey

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey is considered one of the most important dental care procedures. Teeth are one of the key factors of beauty and attractiveness, so maintaining their cleanliness is indispensable. It is a necessary health process from time to time, and its importance is limited to aesthetics and oral and dental health.

Teeth whitening techniques in Turkey Istanbul

There are many methods available for laser teeth whitening in Turkey. At the beginning of this decade, techniques such as exfoliating gel, plasters, and crowns became popular. However, with scientific advancements, laser technology was used in whitening.

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey Istanbul

Laser teeth whitening is distinguished by its speed and effectiveness compared to other methods. Because of this, it has gained popularity, and its use has become more widespread.

Anesthesia No Need 
Process Duration45 Minutes
Aftercare Instructions Avoid all drinks containing dyes, like tea, cola, and soda.
Results Immediate 
Back to everyday lifeImmediately, following the instructions 
Quick Facts

Teeth whitening video in Turkey

Laser Teeth Whitening in Turkey

Tooth discoloration causes

Teeth are affected by several factors, including aging, long-term dental hygiene, overall health, smoking, medications, and food and beverages.


  • Aging affects teeth just as it affects other parts of the body, and the reason for this is a decrease in calcium.
  • This reduction harms the outer layer of the teeth, exposing the soft, yellowish dentin layer.
  • As a result, food particles can easily stick to the teeth, causing them to lose their shine.

Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene is critical to maintaining healthy teeth. It involves caring for your teeth and keeping them free of food particles. Food particles lead to the formation of bacteria on the teeth, which in turn produce an acidic substance that damages the teeth.

General Health care

  • General body health directly impacts dental health, particularly in patients with diabetes and parathyroid gland disorders.
  • These conditions cause difficulties in metabolizing food within the body, decreasing calcium and weakening the teeth.
  • People with diabetes often suffer from tooth decay and discoloration, sometimes resulting in brown or black teeth.
  • Dental care must be given special attention to prevent teeth from falling out or breaking apart.


Smokers suffer from teeth yellowing, as nicotine is a transparent substance, but once mixed with oxygen, it gives a yellow color.

Other substances exist, such as the “tar” found in tobacco, a dark black substance that leaves a stain on the teeth.


Some medications and medical materials, such as antibiotics and high blood pressure medications, cause teeth to turn yellow and lose brightness.

Tetracycline is the most famous drug for tooth discoloration, which leaves a gray color on the teeth that is difficult to get rid of later.

Food and drinks

Dentists always advise keeping teeth clean and brushing them frequently. This prevents food and drink residues from staying between the teeth, as most foods and drinks contain dyes that lose color when consumed.

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey Istanbul

  • Laser Teeth whitening is done in clinics and beauty centers, and a dentist must perform it.
  • It is done during only one session in normal cases.
  • The duration of the session is a maximum of one hour.

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey session steps 

  • The session begins with applying a gel-like substance to the gums; its purpose is to protect the gums.
  • The teeth are then coated with a chemical layer used for whitening.
  • The dentist starts directing the laser onto the teeth to accelerate and activate the whitening gel applied to them.
  • Yellow-colored teeth respond faster to the laser and yield excellent results.
  • Please note that laser whitening may not be optimal for brown or black teeth.
  • Therefore, it is always necessary to consult your dentist before undergoing whitening.

Before and after laser teeth whitening in Turkey

Here are some photos of the before and after completed at the Turk Aesthetic in Istanbul.


Lasers have proven effective and efficient in removing deep pigmentation. Teeth whitening is a safe and uncomplicated method that saves time.

The results of the laser whitening process appear immediately after the session, and you do not need to follow up with another treatment at home.

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey side effects

The side effects of teeth whitening do not vary depending on the method used. In general it affects the following:

  • A negative impact on the enamel, which can weaken the teeth and make them more susceptible to sensitivity.
  • Some whitening gels may cause gum sensitivity.
  • Teeth whitening kills harmful bacteria, which may lead to an imbalance with beneficial bacteria, thereby increasing the chances of oral infections.
  • Frequent whitening of teeth in quick succession can cause gum irritation.
  • The above symptoms do not occur in most cases but may happen when teeth whitening is repeated for short periods; therefore, consulting a specialist is essential.

Laser teeth whitening cost in Turkey Istanbul

The whitening procedure requires modern equipment and capabilities; it is one of the latest technologies in Turkey. Therefore, it is always recommended to choose a clinic or hospital with the best experience, safety, and sterilization.

The procedure price may increase slightly if the factors mentioned above are gathered in one center! The cost of the laser teeth whitening in Turkey is 150 Euros.

To get the prices from Turk Aesthetic, contact our medical team via the link or visit our YouTube channel.

Aftercare Instructions

Turk Aesthetic in Turkey offers you some essential tips to maintain the results of laser teeth whitening

  • Take care to brush your teeth, and remember to brush them at least twice daily.
  • Quit smoking, and drink only small amounts of tea and coffee.
  • You can use bleaching powder or plasters at home after teeth whitening.

FAQ – Laser teeth whitening in Turkey

Does dental care replace laser teeth whitening?

Teeth care and cleaning are indispensable, whether with or without laser whitening.
However, traditional tooth cleaning does not replace laser whitening. Laser cleaning is a deep cleaning that reaches layers that brushing cannot.
Therefore, the shine from laser teeth cleaning cannot be obtained in any traditional way!

What is the suitable age for undergoing laser teeth whitening in Turkey?

It does not have a specific age, but!
Teeth whitening is not performed on children due to hypersensitivity and incomplete growth of tissues in the mouth.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes, teeth whitening is generally safe when performed by a professional dentist.

How long does teeth whitening last?

The results of teeth whitening can last from a few months to several years, depending on your oral hygiene habits and lifestyle choices, such as smoking and consuming staining foods or drinks.

For more information, you can contact Turk Aesthetic medical team via the following link.
